Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Another busy day for me today. I got up fairly early and went shopping for more food. It's much cheaper shopping and making meals. Today for dinner I made kraft dinner and fried up a sausage to put in..... yea thats right I'm such a good cook..... Anyway I did that and then I had to be in to work at 2. I went and did some deliveries around town and picked up some work for Hannah. I've been terrified at the thought of shooting random people around town but today I decided i'm going to try. I've started taking a few shots of people and I'm trying to keep it subtle. Hopefully I'll become more courageous and start asking people if I can take their picture. I really don't have enough time to shoot... the weekend's coming up and i'll be going to art shows in town but it's kind of frustrating being only 20 cause I can't drink even a beer. I've never felt this independent before. I have to plan my meals and completely plan my days and stuff. I only wish that I'd found a sublet to stay in because it's so easy to settle in by yourself but when you're in a hostel and everyone is moving around it gets kinda distracting.

I started getting super pumped up today and all around town when I was making deliveries I started talking to random people and introducing myself. There's a little corner store near Hannah's work that I stop by and the guy's name is Ali. We got into a little discussion today about New York and Canada and he's been to canada 4 or 5 times and loves it. He didn't seem to have much good to say about New Yorkers but absolutly loved Canada. Anyway i'm probably gonna try and keep stopping in at that store and get myself known just cause it's nice goin in a store and bring recognized and being able to have a good chat. I've come to the conclusion that a lot of people here in New York are dying to have a conversation but no one has the initiative to start it. Thats IT!!! I'm gonna start it cause I hate the silence.. it kills me.

People are also starting to recognize me in the area. I had a guy stop me and ask me what I was shooting just cause he had seen me walking around a bunch. I'm really excited to get to know the people around here. It's such a diverse bunch. There is a jewish area, a spanish area, black area and over where I work has the largest polish population outside poland. It's amazing the cultural merge which is taking place here and I must say it does feel like a city of oppertunity. Maybe i'll move here? who knows.

Thats all for now


Syd said...

If you move there, you'll have to adopt the typical New Yorker accent. It's a must!


swanvil said...

Keep up the good'll have all those New Yorkers chatting away in no time!

Good luck with the people pics,
