Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The shoot

The fashion show was something else completely. I found it kinda funny that all the girls looked alike. Obviously their clothes were different but in terms of their body types and bone structure of the face. They were all really skinny and it looked unhealthy (probably was). Nevertheless it was a neat experience but I definitely felt out of place. I stood off on the side and listened to my music cause I didn't even want to try mingling. Hannah and I went out for dinner and then I came back watched a film with a group of people at the hostel and crashed. I gotta get ready for work right now but i'll throw another of these up when stuff gets interesting.

Love to all

Monday, May 12, 2008

half done

So I'm half done the work term. This is a photos of Ollie and I downtown. He's from Australia and we just went around town looking for flat brims and stuff. Last night we went to Iron Man and it was a sick film so I would recommend all of you guys check it out. We also went into starbucks and apparently there is such thing as a quad espresso which I didn't know...

Tried to go out this weekend and experience the night life in New York. I hate being under the legal age though cause they give me a stamp saying I can't drink and it makes me really frustrated and feel like I'm a baby. Today I'm actually going on a shoot with Hannah. It's a fashion show and I don't know how it's gonna all pan out yet but I think it's gonna be pretty cool. I'll definitely keep you guys posted on how it goes. Ollie and I met this ridiculous guy on the subway who told us he was a photographer and we got to talking about stuff and he gave us his website. It is ridiculous and pretty offensive, it looks like crappy pictures of naked women taken in like his bathroom. I honestly don't know what goes through his head but we had a really good laugh about it when we saw the site. Overall the weekend was pretty low key but thats fine at this point cause I just need to rest and relax. It's raining today but overall it hasn't been to bad. Probably about 70 percent sunny and nice and 30 percent rainy so I really can't complain. It does feel like stuff is moving quite slowly here and I'm so excited to get back. I've got to start looking into flights home and getting that all organized. I'll keep updating this once and awhile but I don't have time to do it every day. I'll be back soon enough and I'm gonna have to start thinking about where I'm going to go after school to get work. I've been thinking long and hard and New York may be where I end up going after next year. I guess I have another year to figure it out though.

Love to all

Thursday, May 8, 2008

So... I'm now gonna be working at a new studio for 2 days a week. The guy who let me work there is named Kit and he's huge into Hip Hop. Seemed like a real cool down to earth guy so I'm pretty psyched. Tomorrow I have to go to work at noon and work till 12. I took a lot of shots today but I didn't have the right lens for the job so tomorrow I don't even care... I'm bringing all my gear. The new studio is located in williamsburg and the location is amazing. There is graffiti everywhere and old abandoned buildings. I'm thinking of breaking in to some. I've also started to get the knack for shooting random people. I'm going up to people and asking them if I can take a shot. There was an awesome guy in the subway station in like incredible clothing. I got a picture of him and he was super friendly. I'll try to edit it and put it on my next blog. I'm sorry by blogs don't get super deep. I wish I could explain every little detail but i'm so so tired and busy all the time it kind of makes it hard to remember and write everything. The restaurants here are cool and there are tons of little places on the street that you can get different food at. I've been going crazy with chinese food. You can get a whole meal and like a soup for $6.50. One place around the corner you can get a burger fries and pop for 3 bucks tax included. It's pretty ridiculous how cheap food is here but usually I buy ingredients and make my own meals cause it can be social. I really have to stop drinking here but it's so cheap that we all just sit down and get tanked. frigg... not good. I'm just about to finish my first drink but I have to keep it cool tonight to have a good strong day tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to getting home and even though I'm not having a great time here, I'm trying to do as much as I can so it isn't a waste of time. I'm learning about invoicing with work and it's useful. At the studio I'll hopefully see how some pro's light subjects. I'm trying to experience NY to it's fullest whether I like it or not so I can still claim that I've been there done that.

Love to all


No picture today. Just a quick update. I'm off to work in a few where i'll probably be doing some digitizing of a library. Last night around the hostel was pretty fun.we made a huge pot of some drink cause we wanted a lot of it and just sat back played some wii bowling and drank. The people at the hostel are cool right now and especially the people who work here. Some of the people staying here are actually here for months at a time as they search for a job. It's actually a fairly cheap place to live compared to how much an apartment would cost per month. Almost finished week two and i gotta think about what I wanna do this weekend. I'm thinking of going to see the lion king with a guy from here. It's on in one of the theaters but it's pretty expensive so maybe i'll see if we can get rush tickets. The guy who owns the store near where hannah works recognized me when I went into his store for the second time yesterday. It was pretty cool that I actually made an impact on him and he remembered. I'm definately gonna stop there more often and chat to him cause he seemed like a very interesting guy. I love getting into conversations with strangers here because it's so diverse and you get lots of opinions and different outlooks on life. I don't really know what else to say cause I don't find these blogs can do justice to my emotions and feelings towards new york. It's kind of a love hate thing and I just can't seem to settle in.


Monday, May 5, 2008

Hey guys. Probably a pretty short blog today. I have to be up at around 4:30 in the morning to get to work around 6:30 cause I'm assisting on a shoot. Should be alright and I'm told it will be boring but oh well. I wanted to say Happy Birthday to Dad (sorry I completely forgot) and I hope it's awesome. I wish I could have been there for it. I'm really missing halifax and it's size. It's waaay to big here and it tires me out just walking around. This weekend I've been in manhattan shooting a whole bunch and it was great. I'm trying to find another flat brim hat that I like but I can't decide on one. Dan if you read this tell me what friggin size flat brim you need cause I forget and you don't answer my messages. Today I was in lids and a guy came up to me and started talking to me about my camera. He knew it was a wedding camera and we chatted for awhile about photography. He's a photojournalist and he asked me to come to his party tonight (which I couldn't really go to cause I have to be up so early). I was a bit nervous to go hang out with him but I asked the store keeper who vouched for him said he was a good guy. He also wanted me to go to the beach and shoot some surf photos on wednesday but I'm working so I told him that next weekend hopefully we could do something cause I'd be free. Anyway I have to get back to work, it's amazing how independant it is here like I'm responsible for so much and I kinda like it. There's a lot of great stuff here in New York but it's really sad that I have to enjoy it alone instead of with all my friends and family. Something about exploring alone make stuff a bit more boring. I went to the museum of modern art here in New York with a buddy from the hostel today and it was very interesting. It's sad for me to have to make new friends every few days even though it's neat and I seem to very easily. I still wish I had even one person here who was with me the whole time... it would make it a lot better. What's worse is I can't go to bar's cause I'm not 21 and I don't have a fake. Maybe I'll try and get one.

Anyway. Bye for now
Love you all

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Sorry guys that it took me awhile to get another blog going. My blogging may slow down cause I just have so much stuff to do. Today I went into manhattan with a friend from the hostel and we explored a bit and went to the museum of natural history. It was really impressive and I'll eventually get a few photos up on flickr. It has all these exhibits of animals from different areas and they have painted environments behind them. It's so immersive and it was great. Tomorrow we're gonna go to the museum of modern art which should be really exciting. I shot a lot today everywhere and I've come up with a few techniques for shooting people on the subway. If I'm with someone and they sit next to the person I want to photography, I can pretend I'm photographing them and not get hassled. I can also hold it waist level and click the shutter and hope I get something. It works pretty well in some situations and I'm really getting more brave in terms of street photography. We went to this mexican place for dinner and they had some pretty awesome burritos. I've tried to make myself try as many different restaurants as I can and not go to places I can go to in Halifax. I want to try as much new stuff as possibly and immerse myself into this culture as thoroughly as possible. People are starting to notice me around and actually telling me to take their picture which is great cause then I know they won't get upset at me. This picture I posted was a guy praying outside of a church and I just felt compelled to take the shot. I shot probably 150 shots today and it felt really good being able to really explore and shoot cause I haven't been able to for awhile. Anyway i'll post again soon I hope. I've gotta edit some more and do a few more things before bed.

Love to all

Thursday, May 1, 2008


This is gonna be a shorter entry maybe... maybe not we'll see. I'm just super tired and I need to sleep. Today I went in to work and it was pretty good. Hannah has a main assistant who is always there helping here and I met her today. Needless to say you guys all know how bad of a first impression I make and how could I let you down. Hopefully she'll realize 90% of the stuff that comes out of my mouth is a joke but who knows haha. Anyway it's at least nice having someone else to talk to who is near my age. I went out for Chinese today.. pretty bad but still better than peanut butter and jam sandwiches. I gotta go to bed now i'm waaay to tired but i'll try to write a nice long one tomorrow.

Love to all