Saturday, May 3, 2008


Sorry guys that it took me awhile to get another blog going. My blogging may slow down cause I just have so much stuff to do. Today I went into manhattan with a friend from the hostel and we explored a bit and went to the museum of natural history. It was really impressive and I'll eventually get a few photos up on flickr. It has all these exhibits of animals from different areas and they have painted environments behind them. It's so immersive and it was great. Tomorrow we're gonna go to the museum of modern art which should be really exciting. I shot a lot today everywhere and I've come up with a few techniques for shooting people on the subway. If I'm with someone and they sit next to the person I want to photography, I can pretend I'm photographing them and not get hassled. I can also hold it waist level and click the shutter and hope I get something. It works pretty well in some situations and I'm really getting more brave in terms of street photography. We went to this mexican place for dinner and they had some pretty awesome burritos. I've tried to make myself try as many different restaurants as I can and not go to places I can go to in Halifax. I want to try as much new stuff as possibly and immerse myself into this culture as thoroughly as possible. People are starting to notice me around and actually telling me to take their picture which is great cause then I know they won't get upset at me. This picture I posted was a guy praying outside of a church and I just felt compelled to take the shot. I shot probably 150 shots today and it felt really good being able to really explore and shoot cause I haven't been able to for awhile. Anyway i'll post again soon I hope. I've gotta edit some more and do a few more things before bed.

Love to all


swanvil said...

Hey! You are really getting around now. What a great opportunity to see all these wonderful places.

Are you sure the guy in front of the door is praying??!


Syd said...

I love your new shots Dan!

Hahaa, that's how I took pictures down south, because the people were so nutty. It's a good plan.

Stay safe, yo.